Monday, December 29, 2014

So Trusting

December 29, 2014

Dear Famila,

This week was fantastic, and it was SOOO good to see you all! Best Christmas present EVER :) I love being a missionary and am so grateful that I had the chance to spend Christmas sharing the glorious message of why we have this glorious holiday! This week I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Cecilia in the street when we were on our way to visit a less active member. She was walking passed us...and had actually already passed us when I felt a really strong prompting to stop and talk to her. I turned around and asked if I could give here a card of Jesus Christ (it's the photo of Jesus coming out of the tomb). She stopped and started talking to us and told us that she was actually a member of the church and has been less active for more than 20 years (this happens about every day). She took the photo of Jesus and started to cry. She started to tell us a little bit of her story and why she was no longer attending church but how badly she wants to return. She said that she felt like she couldn't return to the church with everything that's happened in her life, but that the photo of Jesus was an invitation for her to return. I shared with her my testimony of how Jesus is always there, inviting us to come to him, and that she's always invited to return. When I told her that she was a daughter of God and that He cares about her and wants her to be happy she broke down sobbing and hugged me for about 2 minutes crying into my shoulder. It was such a humbling reminder of how such a simple message can be so impactful. The message is simple, the gospel is simple, but this simple message can bring hope. This simple gospel can change lives. 

It's pretty crazy, because as a missionary people automatically love me and trust me. I have never experienced such immediate love from strangers before! But at the same time I have never been so quickly rejected and criticized. It's shocking to see how rude someone can be to a complete stranger! However, I'm grateful for both ends of the spectrum because it helps me realize how Jesus felt when he was on the earth. That's the thing that the mission has helped me with more than anything else, it has helped me to draw closer to my Savior through all the highs, and the lows. 

I love you all!!!!! Hug Hug, Kiss Kiss!!!!

XOXO- Hna. McKenna

Fun Facts:

So I'm pretty used to seeing random people peeing in the street here in Valpo, but the other day there was some 12 year old kid who straight up dropped his pants and pooped on the side of the street!!!! Even in Chile that was a bit crazy!!

There aren't a lot of houses that have Christmas lights, but every house that does have them has put them on seizure mode! I'm serious, literally all the Christmas lights flash on and off about 5 times a second!!! When we're walking home at night it's like a strobe light! 

Here in Chile people are more excited for New Years than Christmas...a little lame if you ask me.

The chocolate here is a little waxy...ok, it's really waxy! And the other day a member gave me a chocolate Santa, the experience of eating the chocolate Santa was something similar to eating a wax figurine. 


Selfie with Patricio, Franko, y Byron!!! I love these guys SOOOOO MUCHO!!!! And I'm pretty sure that this is my favorite photo of my mission up to this point! 

AUGUSTIN!!!!  We´re going to pass New Years Eve with Augustin and his parents if I'm still in the area...transfers are the 31st at 5:30! Yikes! 

Patricio y su Bautismo!!!!! I loved what he said after he was baptized, "I got into the micro (crazy night bus from Harry Potter) after the service to go to my house and everything seemed bright. I see the world in a different way now. My world is new again." Aww, what a guy!! Boy do I love him! He has an interview with the President this week to receive the Sacerdocio (Priesthood)! 

This is Andres, a less active we're working with. All the Chileans are crazy for brownies and they ask me to make brownies with them about every Noche de Hogar. 

This is our investigator, Luis, at the Christmas activity. I promise you he was happy to be there, and that he does smile. He's currently in 2 Nephi but has yet to recognize/receive an answer that the Book of Mormon is true. He has a couple questions about the whole "horses in American thing"… Dad, if you could send me some good info on that I would greatly appreciate it!

The is the Missionary couple Caflin in my district, and they remind me so much of Bompa and Nana! In other words, they're awesome! But not quite as awesome as the missionary couple McKenna...don't worry Bompa and Nana, you guys still take the cake for best missionary couple!

Monday, December 22, 2014

It Takes Pain to Understand Joy

December 22, 2014

Dear Familia,

I first want to say how grateful I am for all the love and support I have received this Christmas season. Everyday I can feel your prayers coming my way and at times it's overwhelming to feel the strength and support that Heavenly Father gives me. This year more than ever I have felt the pure love of Christ. I have felt this amazing love for the people here in Chile, for my companion, for all of you, and most importantly for my Savior, Jesus Christ. If you have time please read Juan 3:16-17 before Christmas, and if you don't have time I strongly encourage you to set aside 5 minutes to read this amazing scripture. I know that God is my Father in Heaven, that he loves me, and has provided a way for me to return and live eternally with my family at the end of this life.

This week Patricio took the first step to returning to live eternally with our Padre Celestial and was baptized this past Sunday. I feel so blessed to be a part of such a beautiful transformation and witness the change in him from the very beginning. Patricio is such a blessing in my life, and during this entercambio with Hna. Prates he is what really kept us going. We are now focusing on Luis (el nieto de Raul). Please pray that this week we can plan a baptismal date with him. We have been teaching him for a few months now, he's reading the Book of Mormon, praying, and going to church...please pray that his heart will be softened and he can recognize that this church is the church that Jesús Cristo established when he was on the earth, and that he will be able to recognize the Spirit when it testifies of these truths to him.

In respect to everything that has happened in our Little Santa Clara and with Heidi, I want to share this scripture in D&C 42:45-46

45:Viviréis juntos en amor, al grado de que lloraréis por los que mueran, y más particularmente por aquellos que no tengan la esperanza de una resurrección gloriosa.  
46:  Y acontecerá que los que mueran en mí no gustarán la muerte, porque les será dulce;

The only way to take sorrow out of death is to take love out of life. It´s ok to mourn at the death of a loved one, it's normal and healthy. But we can receive comfort in the promise of the resurrection and in the assurance that families are forever.

I love you all and can't wait to talk with you at Christmas!!!!

XOXO-Hna. McKenna

Fun Facts:

I ate chicken stomach this week!!!!

The famous Chilean treat during Christmas is "Pan de Pasqua" and it's a giant slice of fruit cake...YUM!!! I literally have eaten SOOO much fruit cake this week I can't even look at fruit without feeling nauseous (I don't know how to spell that word…don't judge me) 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Heavenly Father Knows Best

December 15, 2015

Dear Familia,

Wow, this week was absolutely FANTASTIC!!! We had a zone meeting with Pres. Kahnlien and  during the reunión he asked Hna. Prates to share her testimony of the misión. She shared such a sweet and tender testimony of how she knows this is the Lord’s work and how these past weeks she has come to understand what it really means to forget about yourself and go to work. She started to cry during her testimony and it was a really tender moment. Boy, was I a proud mama missionary.

Also during the reunion, we found out that starting in January our misión isn't going to be using the key indicators...WHAT!? We're only going to count and report baptisms and attendance during the sacrament meeting! LOCO!

THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!! I received all your birthday packages and Christmas packages! WOW my family is amazing! All the missionaries at the zone conference thought you guys had sent either Jackson or Carrson in the giant Christmas box! I had an amazing birthday and am so grateful for your love and support!

It was great to listen to the sweet testimony of Hna. Prates, and it was wonderful to open all your fun and funky Christmas packages, but the highlight of this week is, without a shadow of a doubt, Patricio!

Background on Patricio:
Patricio was my very first contact in my área. He is an 80 year old man that lives by himself but takes care of two little boys that live next door to him. The little boys are Franko (5 years old) and Byron (3 years old) and are my best friends here in Chile. We contacted him when he was out in the street watching Franko and Byron play soccer. I started to play a little with them and afterwards we asked Patricio if we could pass by one day to share our message with him.
These past couple of months we have been having lessons with Patricio, but he hasn't really progressed until this transfer with Hna. Prates! This past month he has been attending church and has really been trying to be prepared for baptism. Well, my lovely friends and family...this past Sunday Patricio had his baptism interview and he passed with flying colors!!!!!! Patricio (a blessing and miracle) will be baptized the 21 of December!!!!!

I wish I could properly express how filled to the brim my heart is with gratitude and love for my Heavenly Father, and for my amazing family and friends. Thank you so much. Yes, this week had downs, but it was filled with sky scrapping highs!!!

I hope you all enjoy this Christmas season, and remember the first gift we received the first Christmas.

XOXO-Hna. McKenna

Fun Facts:

I made Sopapias with an investigator this week!!!!! SO good! They’re like a pumpkin scone.

I was told I look like Taylor Swift (que bueno).

We found another snake in our investigator pool, the Elders are going to continue to teach him.

P.S.  Also, please tell Sis. Ritchie that I'm so grateful for her testimony and the picture with Brenden and Megan! It meant so much to me!

Photo Comments:

Thanksgiving dinner in December...YUM!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

We Change, Not God

December 8, 2014

Dear Familia,

The interview with Presidente went soooo well! He actually interviewed me first and we talked for a good little while. At the end of the interview he gave me a blessing, in which he blessed me with the gift of tongues and ability to clearly express this amazing message of our Savior to the people of Chile. Wowza was the Spirit strong, and I really have been able to see the Lord working through Hna. Prates and me this week to share His amazing message! If the mission has taught me anything it's that if I humble myself before my Father in Heaven he will give me the strength that I need and make up for all my shortcomings. Before the mission I thought I knew the gospel, I thought I knew how to be patient, I thought I knew how to pray with real intent, I thought I knew my Savor. These past few weeks have helped me realize all of my shortcomings and I am so grateful for this opportunity to grow in every aspect! Ya, there are some growing pains, but that's to be expected. There's a quote by C.S. Lewis that sums up my mission pretty perfectly:

"Aslan, Aslan, Dear Aslan,” sobbed Lucy.
"Welcome, child,” he said.
"Aslan,” said Lucy “you're bigger.”
"That is because you're older, Little One,” answered he.
"Not because your are?” said Lucy.
"I am not, but every year you grow you'll find me bigger." said Aslan.

Like Lucy, I have found Crist to be so much bigger now. So much more a part of my life. So much more a part of who I am. And like Aslan points out, it's not because Christ has changed; no it's because I've grown. During my personal study I have been studying the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and all that he did while he was here on Earth and it has helped me grow so much closer to Him. I love my Savior and all that he has done for me...and all that he's doing for me. I know he loves each and every one of us with a love that we can't even comprehend! 

Investigator update:

Andreas: Our lovely miracle investigator that had been attending the church and progressing wonderfully, declared his love during one of our lessons when we invited him to be was a devastating blow. Hna. Prates and I cried afterwards. Not because we lost a fantastic investigator, but because we both knew that he has a real testimony of the gospel and that his family (which is super catholic, and super against his decision to listen to the missionaries) planted in his head that he was only interested in the church because he was interested in the missionaries. The adversary is a tricky little devil! The field is white, ready to harvest and filled with snakes.

Patricio: He attended this Sunday and has a baptism date for the 21 of December!!!!! Keep your fingers crossed that he continues to progress and we have a White Christmas here in Chile!

Valantina: Didn't attend and her baptismal date fell...the adversary is real! However, we are really working with her to develop her own testimony of the atonement because she has had to pass through some terrible moments in her life.

Luis: He attended this Sunday! Luis doesn't have a baptismal date, but he has a hunger to learn more. What really interests him is the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the priesthood. He wants to know more about our prophets and all that jazz that missionaries love to share! However, he talks about a mile a minute in the most slurrrred Spanish....please pray that we can understand him during our visits.

Javiera: She's really working on living the Law of Chastity and our slogan with her is "We can do hard things" / "Sí Se Puede"  The postcard that Mema sent me a month ago was our inspiration!

Fun Facts:

Hna. Prates loves to say "poopy" when she's upset...ha! Please believe I did not teach her that word. I don't know where she learned it.

The wife of the Branch President has a napkin collection and LOVES the thanksgiving napkins you sent (I GOT YOUR THANKSGIVING PACKAGE!)

When we went to the interview with the president I got the package from Bompa and Nana! All the kinds in my area are SOOO grateful for the package! The pins the treats, all of it!

There are about four kids that I always pass in the street that yell "THE GRINGA, THE GRINGA!" every time they see me. Ha they love the little goodies, treats, and stickers. Also they love when we sing hymns with them, it's the cutest thing!

I love you all! I love this work! I love my area! I love my investigators! I love my companion! I love this gospel! I love my Savior!

Thank you for your prayers and for your support!

XOXO Hna. McKenna

PS…Mema and Dad… I have no time left on the computer, but I want you to know that I didn't forget your birthdays! I love you so and am sending birthday wishes your way!!!!

XOXO-Hna. McKenna

This week I got to meet Alexis Sánchez!!!!

Being the tallest I had the honor of putting the star on top of the tree while helping Rosmary (recent convert) decorate for Christmas!!!

Also I had the joy of helping check every single lightbulb to find the broken light....2 hours, and 10 brused fingers latter we still hadn't found it.

We can do hard things!!!!

My Little friends of the Street! I might just take them all home with me!

Monday, December 1, 2014

We Are All God's Children

December 1, 2014

Dear Familia,

Well this week was about as crazy as they get! Hna. Prates and I had some AMAZING highs, and some devastating lows...welcome to the mission!!!! Javiera, one of our amazing investigators is really struggling with the Ley de Castidad (Law of Chastity) y the Word of Wisdom, also she's going to move back with her parents once the semester ends (Dec. 17) and with how things are looking I don´t think I´ll be able to see her baptism. I'm sure she will be baptized someday, but it will most likely be with a different set of missionaries, but boy oh boy, do I love that girl!

Hna. Prates and I haven't been able to find 3 investigators this week, it's like they've fallen off the face of the earth! However, it has given us the chance to work more with the less active members of the rama. With Patricio (the sweet old man with the 2 neighbor boys) we bought him a magnifying glass so that he could read the BOM and he's been reading it and praying!!! He told us that he believes Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and he has a baptism date for 21 of Dec, but he has yet to attend church! POR QUÉ PATRICIO! Every week he tells us he will attend and every week he's a no show...curse agency.

However, Andreas is attending church!!! Hip Hip Hooray for people who choose to use their agency for the good! Andreas is a 20 year old young man with a super Catholic background. He's a great investigator and is really progressing and has a real desire to know if this church is true. However, we have yet to place a baptismal date because he told us that he feels pressured to be baptized. Baby steps, no más, please pray for Andreas!

This week was really rough for Hna. Prates. Every morning it's a real struggle to get her to exercise and study in the morning, but we're making progress. She talks a lot about going home and that she has a lot of health problems. Every day she is sick with something...I'm really praying to have the Spirit with me so I know when I need to help her suck it up and get to work, and when she really is sick. Once we are out in the street teaching and visiting she is always happy and healthy. My goal is that every evening she goes to bed happy to be a missionary, and, with time, every morning she wakes up ready and willing to be a servant of the Lord. Right now we're doing pretty well with the 1st part of the goal, now we just need to have those happy missionary feelings of the night roll over to the morning. Thursday night we read a little bit of Hna. Prates' Patriarchal Blessing, and it was amazing to hear all the wonderful things God has in store for her. It talks a lot about her mission and all that she can accomplish as a missionary. It also really helped me remember to see what Hna. Prates can become and how important it is that she stays in the mission. This week I've been able to see Hna. Prates more how God sees her and it has really helped strengthen our relationship. Hna. Prates has an interview with the President today and we will see what happens this week. Please, please, pray for us.

I love you all and I'm so thankful to have your love and support!

XOXO-Hna. McKenna

Fun Facts:

We ran out of toilet paper and had to start rationing our napkins Sunday night...

I killed my first flea!!! (I have 34 flea bites)

I'm learning how to make delicious empanadas!!!

Hna. Prates and me celebrating Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for this gospel and the opportunity to share it with the amazing people of Chile.

Meet Augustin!!! AKA the cutest little Chileno in the Viña del Mar Mission!

Nothing better than singing hymns in the rain.

Check out that view! Yes, we are SO blessed to have the area we do!

I got Joy's package!!! I LOVE the llama shirt!!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Because You Can

Dear Familia,

This week they kicked me out of the nest and at the same time gave me a little bird of my own to take care of. Yes, this week I finished my 12 week training on Monday, and Wednesday during transfers, they gave me a newbie to take care of and train! WHAT!!! And I don't exactly know how the biology worked out, but my child is Brazilian! Her name is Hna. Prates and she knows a little bit of Spanish, and about 10 words in English....this has been a bit of a challenge in more ways than one. We manage pretty well in the pensión with our Spanish and sign language, and the members/less actives are really helpful and understanding, but it's been a real challenge with our investigadores. I've been really trying to do all I can to have a member with us in every lesson with our investigadores and that has helped a lot. Also, Sofia, the girl that I´ve sent a couple photos of, has been a huge help with accompanying us to our lessons.

Something else that's been a bit of a challenge is that Hna. Prates hasn't exactly developed a work ethic and has a boyfriend that told her she needed to serve a misión if they were to get married. During our companionship study I've really been trying to help her develop a desire to study the scriptures, and realize we will be blessed through obedience. Something I've noticed with all my different companions is we all come out on the misión for different reasons, but what´s important is the reason we stay out on the misión.

I don't know if Dad remembers, but when he gave me a blessing right before I left for the MTC, he said that there would be a time when the only person I'd be converting would be my companion. This might be that time. When I first learned I'd be training a brand new missionary that couldn't communicate clearly with me, or anyone else here, I was terrified and asked my Father in Heaven why he had chosen me to train her...I can barely communicate with the people, and I have only 3 months in the misión field....but immediately I felt His love and support telling me "Porque tú puedes." (Because you can.)

Sometimes God gives us trials and we don't understand why, but He does. He knows what we can become and has a bigger plan for us than we have for ourselves. Now is the time to exercise my faith in my Savior and follow the example of Nephi, "I will go and do what the Lord has commanded me, for I know that the Lord will never give a commandment unto the children of men, save he shall first prepare a way that they may accomplish what he has commanded." I know that with the help of my Lord and Savior I can accomplish the work he has called Hna. Prates and me to accomplish here in Levarte C.

I love you all so much, and hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving! Eat a turkey leg for me!

Please remember Hna. Prates and me in your prayers, and please pray that we will be able to have the gift of tongues and that our investigadores can progress, especially Andreas, Luis, Javiera, and Valeria.

XOXO-Hna. McKenna 

Fun Facts:

Bowen Call is one of my Zone leaders!

Here salsa is anything you put on anything! Chocolate sauce, Alfredo sauce, syrup,'s all called salsa!

I can understand Portuguese when my companion speaks slow!!! WAHOOO! I know three languages! Four if you count sign language, which I'm now pretty stinking good at!

Things I'm teaching my “daughter”...
-How to make her bed.
-How to tell time with a watch.
-That we shouldn't wash our shoes in the sink…

Scripture of the week: D&C 123:17

Monday, November 17, 2014

Fasting Really Does Work

Dear Familia,

Wowza! This week has gone by sooooo fast! Ha this transfer has gone by sooooo fast! But this week was phenomenal (no idea how to spell that) and I was able to see the hand of the Lord work mighty miracles! This week we did a fast as an entire misión! We started Saturday and ended Sunday after sacrament meeting, and I'm here to tell you, the power of the fast is real! This week Javiera accepted a baptismal date for the 7 of December!!!!  Hugo offered his first prayer EVER in his life and now believes that God exists! (Hugo is a mix of Joseph Smith and King Lamoni! He's fantastic and has a real desire to know more! I love it!). Raul told us that he will never change and doesn't want to continue to listen to the lessons, but his grandson Luis assisted the sacramental meeting!!! Wahoooo! He LOVES the Gospel Principles class and has about a billion questions, but the best part is that the góspel has a billion answers!

Also, I am once again in a trio! However, this time I'm the one receiving the newbie! Her name is Hna. Ango and she only has 1 month in the misión. She's from Ecuador and is about 4 foot nothing! She'll be with us for three days until transfers and she receives a new companion. Hna. Cabral and I rolled out the red carpet and went on a two day hunt for a bed for her! Ha but don't worry, a menos activo that lives close to us had a mattress that she could use and she will sleep well.

I love the misión! I love my Savior! I love my family!

I hope all is well in the good old USA!

XOXO-Hna. McKenna

Fun Facts:

I LOVE tomatoes! They eat tomatoes with salt with literally EVERY meal and I LOVE it! I never thought I would have a love affair with tomatoes...but I do! SO GOOD!

So the church doesn't have a piano and they always have someone give the tune before they sing a hymn. Guess who they always ask to give the tune...that's right, yours truly! Ha it's the funniest thing in the world, because heaven knows I can't carry a tune to save my live, but here I am, giving the tune for the entire sacrament meeting!

The Chile vs. Venezuela game was this week and everyone thought we were crazy for being outside knocking doors! DIDN'T WE KNOW THERE WAS A GAME GOING ON!  Yes, as a matter of fact we did know, however, we have something that's more important than soccer, believe it or not!

Also, shout out to my brothers who are stinking cute and both sporting braces! Wowzers you guys are old!


Hermana McKenna

**Advice given to Meghan's Brother and can be something we can all think about. 

Dear Jackson,

How are things going up at the High School? It can get pretty crazy up there and I'm not going to lie, I got lost a couple of times. Not "lost" as in lost in the hallways, but "lost" as in I would forget who I really am. I would get caught up in all the craziness and wanting to be the coolest cat in town type of thing. The more I focused on social media, "my followers", who I was spending the weekends with, what people thought of me, and how many people knew who I was, the less happy I became.

I encourage you, Jack, to forget all that craziness and focus on what YOU like to do. It doesn't matter who else likes it, or what people think of it. Do what makes you happy, and what you know is right. And the thing that's going to make you the happiest is strengthening your relationship with Mom, Dad, Carrson, and most importantly, your Savior. I promise you that this time is going to go by SO fast! And before you know it, this time will be over, and you'll be in some random country in the world serving a misión! Take advantage of the time you have right now to strengthen those relationships, because more than anything, I wish I had done that when I was in High School!

I love you Bud! Keep on rocking it!

XOXO - Hermana McKenna

Monday, November 10, 2014

Every Member a Missionary

Dear Familia,

We made little missionary nametags for all the members of the branch for our branch missionary activity and had a little CCM! Hna. Cabral and I taught a class on how we can share the scriptures like a sandwich, (intro. scripture, apply it...pan, meat, pan), and we made a video with the testimonies of some of the members and all the missionaries! It turned out really good, and we had an awesome turn out! It's great to see the progress of the members and their enthusiasm to join in the work! EVERY MEMBER A MISSIONARY!!!!

Fun Facts:

1.  Right now in this shady computer place I'm listening to good old Britney Spears "Lucky" Haha it takes me back to when she was my idol...ha, needless to say, my perspective has changed a little, but I can still appreciate a classic song like "Lucky".

2.  There's a guy that lives next to the familia Olivares (we have lunch with them every Friday) and he likes to tell me he's a different celebrity every week. This week he was Bond, James Bond, and the past week he was Martin Luther King.

3.  The street in front of our apartment flooded and the street was filled with sewer water! Many prayers were said every time a micro passed by, and thankfully we were never sprayed with the nasty sewage! The college students walking behind us weren't as lucky.

Carrson’s new haircut and bleach job is awesome!  Hahahaha he looks like all the soccer players here in Chile! Seriously! Every kid that plays soccer here looks like that! Funny how the language of "cool soccer player" is the same throughout the world!

I'm so happy to hear that Britton is a fighter on and off the field. But knowing that he's a Shipp, it doesn't surprise me at all that he's not going to throw in the towel without a fight!

This past week I spent a lot of my personal study time reading about the amazing gift of the Atonement and the wonderful Plan of Happiness that we have the opportunity to know about. No matter what our trials might be, big or small, we can find comfort in the assurance that the Savior understands our trials perfectly. He understands exactly what the Shipp family is going through, and also all the emotions of everyone it has affected, including everybody in the community, and especially Cassidy. As part of his infinite Atonement, He took upon Himself "the pains and the sicknesses of his people." He took upon Himself "their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities." Because He has experienced your pain, he knows how to help you. If you look to Him in faith, He will strengthen you to withstand any trial you experience. I know Jesus Christ lives, and knows you personally. I love the scripture in 1 Peter 5:7 that says, "You can cast all your care upon him, for he careth for you." I know this scripture is true. I know Jesus Christ cares for you individually and because of his love for you, he was willing to suffer ALL your pain and heartache in order to help you through this life.

I'm so grateful for my Savior, and I'm so grateful for the chance to share this amazing knowledge with the people of Chile. Let the Shipp family know that they are in my thoughts and prayers, and that I'm so grateful for their example of strength during this trial.

XOXO-Hermana McKenna

Monday, November 3, 2014

Making a Branch a Ward

Dear Familia,

Ok, I don't have a ton of time to right this week because Hna. Cabral and I are helping with a missionary activity in the branch this week and we have to use some of our internet time to make missionary badges for the members. We are working really hard to help our branch become a Ward and have the members get more involved in missionary work. So instead of writing 1,000 words for you to read and ponder over, I'm just going to send a bunch of pictures!

Love you tons!
XOXO- Hna McKenna

Fun Facts:

The Dog Dazzer almost got Hna. Cabral killed! We were walking and there was a dog on top of some box-thing and I tried to daze it so we could walk past. The dazer worked up until we were right next to the box and then the dog got some burst of courage and tried to attack Hna. Cabral’s head!!!

We past by to visit a member and her non-member friend (both are in college) and they were making a video for their cooking class. I got to be in the video and demonstrate how to eat a crepe! Hopefully that will help open a couple more doors when we're contacting by the college.

Answers to questions:
Yes, there are fleas, there is nothing to do about it but smile and avoid dogs.
Yes, there are times when it's hard to clearly comunícate with Hna. Cabral, but she's FANTASTICALLY patient with me and always willing to help. We get along really well and I'm SOOO blessed to have her as a companion.

English Update:

After our dog experience, Hna. Cabral likes to say "Off with your head!" whenever we pass by crazy dogs
I've also taught her to say, "I ain't about that life." and "sketchy". After our time together she's going to be fluent in young adult English!

Love you lots!

Hermana McKenna

Photo Comments:

Enjoying Halloween and Hna. Cabral’s 4 month mark in the misión!

Me with our SUPER sketchy oven...there was at least 15 seconds where I thought we might blow up the house!

With the daughter of a recent convert.

With Claudio and Gonzalo. They're dad is a menos activo that we're working with and the family LOVES soccer! They remind me a lot of Jack and Carr-man.

With Javiera and the Plan of Salvation!

Me with Patricio (the man that has a heart of gold and a baptism date), Franko, y Byron

When I was in intercambios this week with Hna. Hansen. We made an "American pumpkin" for Clases de Ingles!

Raul and his funky door!

Interesting menu choices.....

Me with my ***

Monday, October 27, 2014

B.O.M. All The Way Through In Spanish

Dear Familia,

Lunes: This week started out with Hna. Cabral and me buying all the goodies we want to send to the family for Christmas. They are all packaged and ready to go! Today we're planning on writing the letters and sending them on their merry way!
Also on Monday we had a Noche de Hogar with Javiera. Javiera is an investigator that is currently studying at the college and lives super close to our apartment. She's absolutely AMAZING and has accepted to be baptized!!! WAHOOO!!! The only problema is she works every Saturday and Sunday...but don't worry, these things can be fixed with a little teaching of the amazing power of the sacrament!

Tuesday: ....I didn't write in my journal and can't remember what exactly happened, but I'm sure it had to do with building the kingdom of God.

Wednesday: Today I finished Reading the Book of Mormon for the first time in Spanish!!!! I wasn't able to understand every word, but I was able to understand that God loves me, Jesús is my Savior, and I can return to live with them again if I live worthy of the covenants I've made. It was an amazing testimony of how the Spirit testifies of truth no matter the language!

Thursday: Patricio has been sick this past week so Hno. Arevala accompanied us today to give him a blessing of salúd. It was awesome to see the difference it made to have a member talk to him and testify of what he believed.

Friday: Sofia accompanied us today, and we started teaching Sidney, one of the workers in our building. The lesson went really well and I'm excited to see how things go with him. Today the wind was CRAZY!!! I was picking things out of my hair for at least 25 minutes. Hna. Cabral, Sofia, and I had a fun time trying to control our skirts while knocking doors. I don't know why, but lately I haven't been as patient as I should be with Hna. Cabral. She's a fantastic campanion and helps me so much with Spanish! I'm learning so much from her and she is always so patient with me. I need to remember that she only has a couple weeks more than me in the misión, and we´re both learning together.

Saturday: Well, we have 6 people who have told us they're going to attend church tomorrow!!! Hna. Cabral and I have are arms crossed that they all can attend! One of them is a man named Oscar who we met about 2 weeks ago while we were contacting. He was handing out pizza flyers and we traded a flyer for a pass along card. Today he passed by us on his motorcycle and asked if he could attend our church meeting! OF COURSE! We gave him the directions to the church and time of the meetings and are amazed that he remembered us! It was a neat reminder of the seeds you can plant with something as simple as a pass along card.

Sunday: Today was a devastating reminder of agency and nobody attended! It was super sad because it was the Primary Program and the kids did a Fabulous job! The spirit was super strong and I'll admit I shed a tear or two. While looking at all those little spirits I couldn't help but think of all the cute little spirits in the Santa Clara 14th Ward. Boy oh boy do I love the good old Santa Clara 14th Ward! Right now the branch I'm in is fighting super hard to become a Ward and I hope I can be here to see it happen.

English Update:
Hna. Cabral loves to say, "I know where you live" whenever we get lost in the streets...ha it helps lighten the mood and reminds us that at least we know where we live!
Also, whenever it's raining we sing "I like to look for rainbows" in English and Spanish. When we have a baptism we want to do a duet of the song.

Fun Facts:

All the milk is in boxes with expiration dates in 2015...huh?  A little questionable!

They have armored trucks in the streets whenever there is a soccer game.

Some random guy in the street gave me a ring...I told him gracias, but no gracias, I already have a ring!

I ate an entire fish! Yes, that includes the head, scales, gills, and fins!!! And to tell you the truth it wasn't half bad!


Hermana McKenna

A recent convert and our lovely orange

The crazy soccer games!

Javiera and Iride! Iride is a member that is friends with Javiera!