Monday, January 4, 2016

Love God and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

Dear Familia,

Well folks, this will most likely be my last letter home seeing as next Monday I'll be visiting the different areas where I've served, and I don't know if I'll have time to write. Like Jacob says in the Book of Mormon, my life in the mission has passed by as if it were a dream.

And seeing as these are my last missionary councils… I have saved my most profound and life changing advice for the end....Love God above everything else, and love your neighbor as yourself. That's it. That is the most important thing we can do here in this life. If you live that way you're happy. If you prioritize your life in that order you enjoy every crazy up or down life throws at you.

That's what I've learned here in the mission. That's what I've been able to do, and see, and testify of these past 18 months.

I have LOVED, LOVED, LOVED my mission! I know God lives. I know He called me to serve in Chile. There have been so many chosen people I have met here that have changed my life FOREVER! I know Christ is my Savior and the only way I can return to live with God and with my family. I know God loves us so much that He has called prophets to guide us in the crazy world we live in today, and that Joseph Smith is the prophet of the restoration and translated the Book of Mormon. I LOVE the Book of Mormon!  I LOVE the message it contains! I know it is true!  READ IT! STUDY IT! PRAY ABOUT IT!

I will see you all soon, and love you all so much!

XOXO-Hna. McKenna

Fun Facts:

We dyed my companions hair for New Years!

One of the little girls in church asked us if the class her sister goes to is called "Young Womens" does that mean the class we go to is called "Old Womens"......haha watch it kid, I'm only 21!!

Here in the north of Chile, to celebrate the New Year they burn scarecrows in the streets!!! It's truly terrifying!!!!! I'll show you the videos next week!


Sorry about the picture drought. Here are a couple updates from these past couple of weeks.

-Delivering Christmas goodies :) We made brownies for all the members in the branch...ya it was a LOT of brownies! Ha and every house we went to also gave us food in return. I'm pretty sure I had pan de pascua coming out of my ears, I ate so much! (pan de pascua is a fruit cake they always eat during it is not good)

-The family that we ate Christmas dinner with.

-Enjoying the Christmas package :) Thanks again, Mom! We loved it!

-This is Javiera, the sweet recent convert I told you about last week.

I don't know if the office told you but there was a bit of an accident this week. They're going to do all of the procedures necessary this week and I'll have surgery when I get back to the US.

Something was bound to happen the last week!  ....April Fools! All is well! All is Well! :)

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