Monday, November 9, 2015

Promise We Are Not Spies From the US

Dear Familia,

Me gustan mucho los planes for our Chile trip in March! :)  We can change a little bit of the plans in my mission because Coquimbo is about 8 hours from Valpo, it would be best to visit Valpo, Olmue, and then Coquimbo because it's really far north, who knows, maybe we can fly out of Coquimbo or La Sarena. You had mentioned before the possibility of visiting Machu Pichu...I don't know if that is still in the plans, but it would be really neat to visit those ruins after studying the Book of Mormon. Just a thought....but I'm good with whatever :) the trip will be great no matter what :) I sure do love you guys!

What an amazing experience to have Elder Holland at Sacrament Meeting! That's something that everyone will never forget! Please send my love for the Shipp family. I sure love you, Mom, and hope that all is well. I'm still a STL and one of the sisters who I did interchanges with went home this week for some serious problems she was having in the mission. I'll tell you more about it when I get home. But we became really close and I'm going to write her and I also have to send a letter to the President about the interchange. I'll send a couple photos and fun facts, and next week I'll give more details about the sector. Please keep Luis and Fernanda in your prayers.

Fun Facts:

We had 3 people this week tell us we were spies from the United States....that comment always makes me laugh

We got the package with the BYU goodies and the package from Megan Brindley! SHOUT OUT to my South American sister: Muchas gracias por todos tus regalitos! Me encantó y estoy disfrutando todo los dulcesitos :)

I accidently scraped my forehead and now look like a blond-girl version of Harry Potter. Don't worry, I don't think it'll leave a scar quite like Harry's :)

For the first time in 16 months I ate SUBWAY!!!!

PS.  Thanks so much dad. I loved the letter, and it was a precious reminder. Have a great week :) Te amo!


Lookie Lookie! My sweet mother is famous even in Chile :)

When Rebeca and her husband helped Luis, Laura, Fernanda, and Jose move.

The brother in the middle gave his farewell talk. The closing hymn was "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go." It brought back SO many memories, and I may or may not have shed a tear....time passes way to fast!

Hna. Lopez and I enjoying the lovely package we received!!! Thank you SO much! She LOVED the package, and is currently wearing the BYU sweatshirt :)

Check out the flowers in the background!!! It's BEAUTIFUL here in Olmué and there are wildflowers everywhere you look! Even though we have to walk about 2-4 miles to get from one lesson to the next, it's definitely worth the walk!

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