Monday, November 30, 2015

Inviting a Child of God to Be Baptized

Dear Familia,

What an amazing week you guys had! It was so fun to hear how amazing the weekend was and all the blessings our family has received! Serving here in Chile I really and truly am SO humbled to see how much the Lord has blessed my life and how much he has blessed the lives of each one of you. The very fact that you have family that cares about you is a major blessing in and of itself, and the fact that you live in the United States is an AMAZING blessing God has given you! I loved hearing that Thanksgiving was a ROARING success :) and that the surprise 50th anniversary was a night to remember! What a great time to spend together as a family and get everyone together for the big farewell talk! Thanks for the shout out Nana :) and I'll make sure to be on the lookout for Hna. Olsen.

Now on to the investigators, remember María Jose, the investigator we were going to put a baptismal date with...well folks, she now has a baptismal date to be "reborn" the very day I was literally born, Dec. 12 :) How fun is that?!  María Jose is such a sweet and pure spirit, and started to cry when we invited her to be baptized. I think that is one of the things that I love most about being a missionary, inviting a child of God to follow our Savior, Jesus Christ, and be baptized. It's the most rewarding thing I've done in my life up to this point, and will forever cherish those special moments when they say yes.

This week the church put a new video on their web page called, "A Savior is Born." And at the end of the video it says, "More than 2000 years ago God sent Jesus Christ, our Savior. Discover why." Wow! It gives me chills just writing it!!!! This video is SO GOOD! I invite you all to watch it and afterwards spend this Christmas season learning and searching and discovering and feeling the love God has for us and why he sent us a Savior. You can find the video at

Have a fantastic week and know I'm praying and thinking about you all!

Con amor,

Hna. Mckenna

Fun Facts:

Hna. Lopez made some horrible garlic concoction to drink in order to clean her stomach (yearly Paraguay tradition) and the whole house smelled like garlic for days, and my companion was not fun.

We are visiting a family that has a 6 year old little girl, and the other day when she answered the door she went running to find her mom and yelled, "Mom, the twins have arrived!" haha it was the cutest thing!


The activity last week

District photo

Priest Quorum President (This man and his family have changed my life FOREVER. I'm so excited for you to meet him and his wife.)

Thanksgiving Dinner :) it turned out pretty dang good if I do say so myself!

Helping Hna. Cecilia put up her Christmas decorations

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