Monday, December 7, 2015

Where No Missionary Has Gone Before... Kind-of

Dear Familia,

WOWZA! This week has been nothing but AMAZING! I'll have you know they shipped me out of Olmué and I will be ending the mission in the blessed land of Ovalle, it's about an hour away from Coquimbo (my second sector) and about 6 hours from Viña. I was released as Hna. Lider and am now TRAINING AND OPENING A NEW SECTOR! This is exactly how I started the mission and I am so grateful that I will be able to finish in the same fashion but now as the oldie seasoned missionary. My little newbie is CHILEAN and from CONCEPCIÓN!!! (I'm writing all in caps to show I am very excited :)) She is 24, has been a member for a year and a half, and is the only member in her family....ya, you could pretty much say she is AMAZING!!! Ha! I think she is training me more than I am her!

This week we have seen a ton of miracles and I truly feel SO blessed! The sector that we are opening was the sector of two other sister missionaries. One went home because she ended her mission, and the other was called to the Viña del Mar zone, but they left Hna. Cordova (my companion) and me with a golden investigator ready for baptism! Her name is Catalina and she was baptized yesterday! :) She is such a cutie! She is 14 years old and has family that lives in Arica that are members. She got to know the church through them and when she came back home she searched out the church and started attending!!! The missionaries jumped right on that and yesterday Hna. Cordova and I got to be part of her amazing baptism! We have now started working with her family and it looks like we might just have a Christmas miracle and celebrate a white Christmas here in Ovalle! Please keep Catalina and her family in your prayers!

Something I have learned here in the mission is how aware our Heavenly Father is of his children. I'm pretty sure I prayed for a good month and a half so that I'd be able to entrainar (train) my last transfer. It has truly been such a blessing to be serving here in Chile and feel SO strongly that I am a daughter of God. That He knows who I am. That He is aware of my needs.

I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week :)

XOXO-Hna. McKenna

Fun Facts:

-Our first day in our new house the bathroom faucet exploded and we had a nice fountain coming out of the shower!! Ha, lets just say we got to know the ward members in the ward real fast! Especially the Young Men’s President and his wife (they were over at the house all afternoon trying to get things all fixed)

-Everyone here says I talk like a Russian and that I don't have a gringa accent. They call me la rusia :)

-There is a recent convert here that reminds me a ton of the Herdmans from "The Best Christmas Pagent Ever." Her name is Javiera (10 years old) and she always comes to church with her younger siblings. The are pretty crazy kids, and during the baptismal service they hung out in the kitchen eating and getting into mischief...I had to just laugh and think of what the Christmas pagent would be like with them involved, I know they come from a rough background and that coming to church is a good relief for them, even if it keeps all the ward members on their toes!


Zone Activity in Olmué!

Hna. Cordova and me on the never-ending bus ride to Ovalle!

Zone Activity in Ovalle, where we went to a little branch in Punitaqui that had their weekly meeting in a little house with a 15 person average attendance. We went out with the members to visit less actives and contact in order to find more members.


Making homemade noodles for Sunday lunch :) Here in Chile lunch is the big meal.

Bautismo de Catalina! :)

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