Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Sister is a Mom

Dear Familia,

My sister is a mom, my brother-in-law is a dad, my mom and dad are grandparents, my grandparents are great-grandparents, my brothers are uncles, I'm an aunt, and little Indy is starting his journey here on earth...learning and discovering what life is like with a body! GOD'S PLAN FOR US IS AMAZING! The photos of little Indy are so precious, and I'm sure he's even more darling in person! Ah how exciting it all is!!! What's even more wonderful and amazing is that this week we are celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, the person who makes it all possible that we can come down to earth, receive a physical body, grow and mature, overcome our trials, repent and be made clean, save us from our sorrows and our sins, be resurrected and receive a perfect body, be ready for the final judgment day, and receive a place next to our Heavenly Father in the Celestial Kingdom with our eternal family! HOW AMAZING IS HIS PLAN! It really just fills me up to the point where I want to burst out in song!....ok ok, let’s not get too carried away, I think my singing would offend the spirit, but it does fill me up to the point where I want to go out and share this amazing news with all the people here in Chile.

I'm so grateful for this amazing opportunity to share this AMAZING message during this special time of the year, and I'm so grateful for my parents, my family, my companions, my investigators, my sectors, my mission president, and the Holy Ghost, that have helped me learn and strengthened my testimony of these amazing truths!

Please give a GIANT hug/squeeze to little Indy in my honor and let him know I'm thinking and praying for him! If he could send me more tips and insights on what the pre-earth life is like, and the nature of our loving Heavenly Father it would be greatly appreciated! He, more than anyone knows what it's like up there :)

I love you all and am so excited to see you on Christmas! I don't have the username of the computer where I'm going to Skype home, but I wrote down the family username so we'll just add you right before we Skype home. We'll be Skyping home at 4:00 Chilean (city: Ovalle) time.

See you soon!

XOXOX- Hna. McKenna

Fun Fact:

Some little punks threw a half squeezed lemon peel at us while we were walking in the street and I looked at my companion laughing and said, "Cuando la vida le da limones, haga limonada!" Ha! we got a good laugh out of it!

The gift I'm going to give Jesus this year is my confidence.

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