Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Stick To Your Task-Till It Sticks To You

Things in the CCM are going good...difficult, but good. My companion is amazing! She's 22 years old, but she's totally out here because she wants to be here, not because she doesn't have any lovely suitors back home. The other girls I share a room with are both fantastically a good way! Hermana Jones is a convert to the church and has such a CRAZY background, and Hermana Logan's dad disowned her when she was in elementary school! WOW I am blessed! 

The delisious mango and pretty good/normal  french toast 
The food here is pretty much hit and miss...I tend to miss more than I hit when it comes to authentic Mexican food. However, the fruit here is phenomenal! I can´t get enough of it, and I am trying to figure out some way to import fresh mangos back to Santa Clara when I get home. I decided if the fruit of the tree of life was an actual fruit it would be a peach/mango combination! SO GOOD!

My District

I found Terra!

My companion and I outside our classroom

My district...well my district is kind of crazy...they are a good reminder that people are converted by the spirit and not the 18-19 year old missionaries. The language has been going good, I'm quite a bit ahead for only being here a week, which is a pleasant surprise. People always ask if I'm in the intermediate course, which makes my heart feel warm and fuzzy. However, I tend to have moments where I become really frustrated that I can't communicate what I want to. But that was to be expected. I just grit my teeth and stick my nose back in the manual. 

I've seen so many familiar faces! I love it! They keep me going when times are rough, because as much as I'd like to pretend it's all peaches and cream out here, it's not. Truth be told I contemplated coming home the first day. Not seriously...but it was hard, it still is hard. A saying I heard while I've been here has helped a lot. 

-Stick to your task till it sticks to you. Starters are many, but enders are few-

The freakishly huge moth right outside our room! The picture doesn't even come close to showing it's massive gurth!

Another reminder I've learned while I've been here is the second shortest scripture, And Christ said, "Remember Lots Wife" She looked back longingly and had no faith in what lay ahead of here. Her attachment to her past outweighed her confidence in the future. This week I've really been trying to remember Lot’s wife and have faith in what lies ahead of me. "Look unto him in every thought; doubt not, fear not."

I love you all so much and am so grateful for your love and support! It means the world to me to know I have a family like you cheering me on! 

xoxo- Hermana McKenna

 Nobody messes with me and Elder Lambson

Elder Hillstead and I rocking the CCM!

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