Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Talked in Church--IN SPANISH

Me getting my soccer moves on here in Mexico!

This week has been FANTASTIC! I am feeling confident with how my Spanish is progressing, and have talked once in sacrament (about the atonement), and once at a zone conference (about why I came on a mission - Alma 29:9)! My talk was in Spanish and I was so happy I was able to convey a simple and humble message about the beautiful power of the atonement. Although I´ve only been here for 14 short days it´s amazing how much I´ve learned about the gospel and Spanish, but mostly about how I need to turn myself over to the Lord. I have prayed to him while on my knees at least 120 times since I´ve been here, and that´s not even including the prayers I say in my heart. 

One of my awesome teachers! She´s great!

P-days are great because I get to hear from everyone, but my favorite day of the week is by far Sunday! Although we don´t have sunday naps in the CCM we have Sunday devotionals, which are 10x better! During the devotional we watched a clip on youtube called: Missionary Work and the Atonement.  A quote from that clip has really stuck with me. It says, " Salvation has never been a cheap experience. Why would we think it would be easy for us, when it was never easy for our Savior." Hot dang that hit home! This work is not easy, but I can´t give up. I can´t stop. I am a representative of Jesus Christ and he persevered to the end despite how hard it was!

Doing´s not as exciting as it looks

Funny Facts about life in the CCM:

-My water in my casa has been turned off for a week now which means, no showers, brushing teeth, and using the restroom.... oh the joys! But don´t worry there's a casa that´s not being used so me and my companion are always running to the other casa like crazy lunatics trying to get to the showers before any of the other Hermanas. These danskos are surprisingly good in the 50 yard dash. 

-I showed all the boys in my district up by doing a one armed push up. My dad taught me well! 

-Kalon´s joined the crew in the CCM! Wahooooo! Everybody needs a little bit of the Morgans in their life! 

-My companion and I get along great and have begun to finish each other´s sentences...kind of creepy. Also she uses the saying "bats in the cave" when informing I should blow my nose! I love it, it´s like a little piece of home.

I love you all! 

The girls in my district! Love them!  

You could pretty much say we´re the Mexican version of the Beatles.

XOXO - Hermana McKenna

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