Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Five Days To Go

Dear Familia,

Breckon joined us here in the Garden of Eden! I was so stoked to see him, but what I was even more excited about was my package!!!! It contained a couple letters/pictures, a watch, and about 6 pairs of socks, and I´ve never been more excited to receive a package before in my life! My companion thought it was quite comical! But THANK YOU so much! I loved reading the letters and seeing all the pictures of everyone. The watch is fantastic because every time I wear it (every day) it reminds me of my sweet mother (it´s her old watch). And the socks are such a blessing...I needed those bad boys!!! Ya it´s crazy how much pleasure you get from simple things when you´re on a mission. 

Everyone in my district thinks my little brothers are such studs! Keep up the good work Jack and Carr! And congrats Jack on doing so good on your Spanish test! I can´t wait to chat up a storm with you in the beautiful Spanish language when I get home. 

I love my family so stinking much and am soooo grateful for the support and love that you show! You guys are what keep me going out here. I try not to allow myself to think about going back to you guys, because as great as that would be it would be so selfish of me to have an extra 18 months with my family, but deny the people of Chile the gospel that would allow them to be with their family for eternity! 

They´re shipping me out to the field this week and as it gets closer and closer I start to become more and more nervous. A scripture that´s really been helping me is Mormon 9:27-28. It reminds me to keep going, to keep pushing. There are to many souls on the line to allow doubting thoughts to overcome me. Christ is by my side and with Him I can do all things. I know God will answer my humble prayers. 

I´m so stinking excited for Megan and Amy! They are going to do absolutely fabulous! I have no doubt! 

Fun Facts:

1. I can´t tell if the food is getting better, or if I´m just getting used to it

2. I LEAVE FOR THE FIELD IN 5 DAYS! "I´m not called to serve in a place, I´m called to serve in Christ´s place"

3. Today I get to be the Host for the new missionaries coming in! Wahooo! 

4. Go look at the pic of me and Jack from last summer holding the fish! HE´S GROWN SO MUCH!  My pictures of him are already dated and I´ve only been gone a month! 


Hermana McKenna

Comments on photos we sent her:

WAHOOOO! The pool is looking fabulous! I can´t wait to see the finished product! Thank you so much, Mom, for sending so many photos and keeping me involved with everything that´s going on back at the home front. I love it! I love hearing all your funny stories about the boys. Ha and I´m glad to hear that Megan Ritchie is still the same old ray of sunshine! Canada will be happy to have her! Don´t worry about Jack...he´ll figure it out. I pray for him every night in my broken Spanish. I pray for all of you. 

I´m getting all your photos! What are you doing with the hose in the pool?

Dear Papa,

Thank you so much, Dad,for everything you have done for me while I´ve been out here, but mostly for preparing me to come out here. I don´t think you even realized you were doing it, but your influence has not only affected my mission but my entire district. I talk about you a lot during class, and have used your method of marking for my English and Spanish Book of Mormon. It has really started to affect the missionaries in my district and 2 of them have decided to start marking their scriptures the same way (red-Christ, blue-Missionary/Gathering of Israel, black-sin, and green-other). They also love your analogy of the broken heart / broken horse, and all your info on Alexis Sanchez. We´ll be ready to convert all the soccer playing basically all of Chile ;) However, the thing I´m most grateful for is how much you taught me to rely on my Savior, Jesus Christ. He has been my anchor through all of this and I´m so grateful for the relationship I have with him! 

Thank you so much Dad! I sure do love you! 

XOXO- Hermana McKenna


I read your personalized Book of Mormon every night right alongside my Spanish Book of Mormon.  It´s such a treasure.

Meghan’s photo comments:

1.         Good old Santa Clara 14th Ward taking the CCM by storm! 

2.         Our cute little Latina friends

3.         Elder Olds!!!

4.         All the Hermanas in our zone that are leaving...sad day

5.         Hma. Day and I rocking the CCM in our little Mexican blouses! We´re pretty much natives :)

6.         A nice little reminder of back home!

7.         Ha some good old "Engrish" on our travel packets.

8.         My travel plans for my sweet mother! Be expecting a call from around 8-12 9.           Mexico City time

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