Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Plague Has Hit

Hola Mis Amigos!

These photos were taken the night before Hermana Day fell victim! This is a photo of the only healthy people in our District. All the boys were wearing masks because they just finished taking food to all the sick Elders in their casa. 

We were the few, the proud, the healthy. 

**Hot dang I have some handsome brothers! I don´t know if the schools are going to be able to handle them!

This week has been pretty crazy to say the least! As I´m sure you´ve gathered from the Subject Title the CCM was hit by the Plague...and I mean hit by the plague! On Sunday half of my Zone was gone due to the fact that they were all dying in their was bad. Nobody was safe! Ha you would have thought I suffered from a serous case of OCD with how much I was washing my hands! But hey I made it through without falling victim to it´s clutches! Yea for water and soap!  My sweet companion wasn´t as lucky...but she´s recovered now and all is well here in the promised land! (It´s seriously so beautiful here, and I love all the people. I can´t believe I´ll be leaving in 2 weeks!)

An amazing thing happened this week. During TRC (where we actually teach REAL people..not teachers) Hermana Day and I were told to prepare a talk on prayer for a TRC volunteer (usually members in the area). We walked into the lesson thinking we were going to give a talk to some local member only to find out that the sweet lady we were teaching wasn´t a member, had no family members that belonged to the church, and was only there to get service hours for her work! WHAT!? That´s not what I signed up for! Hermana Day and I asked here about her beliefs in God and if she had ever prayed before. She said she prayed in church but never by herself. We read a scripture to her from the Book of Mormon about the importance of pray.....long story short she didn´t know really anything about the Book of Mormon and we ended up having her read the first, and the last 2 paragraphs in the Book of Mormon Intro. I shared Joseph´s experience of the 1st vision and bore my testimony on the power/importance of prayer.  After I shared the experience of the 1st vision I was crying and she was crying! It was crazy! We asked her to pray to know if it was true. My companion and I taught her how to pray by addressing our Heavenly Father and closing in the name of Jesus Christ. She said a really humble closing prayer and then gave us a hug before we left! We left the pamphlet of the Restoration with her and asked her to read it in order to find out more. 

I learned 2 very important things from that TRC experience: 
1. The gift of tongues is real and was a huge blessing during that lesson
2. No matter how pour my Spanish might be my Heavenly Father can still use me as an instrument to help bring his children closer to him, and testify of truth.


1. I now know what it´s like to live during a zombie apocalypse, due to the plague this past week. The fear of infection was a real thing! 

2. There´s this random gong/cannon noise that goes off randomly throughout the day and my district always jokes it´s like the Hunger Games and the gong is signaling when a missionary leaves. 

3. I now know how to shower in under 5 minutes because our casa has no hot water! The water struggle of casa 18 continues 

4. Hermana Day and I were made Sister Trainer Leaders of our zone! I´m really humbled and overwhelmed, but I love the hermanas in my zone so that´ll make serving them easy.

Yummy Yummy bannas on the way home from the temple.
A couple of the girls in my zone all wearing the shirts we bought at the temple! They´re such cuties! 
I´ve been collecting all the hair in our casa to make some this rate I´ll have enough hair for a full wig by next week. Tell dad to let me know if he want´s any
I love you all so much!   
XOXO-Hermana McKenna

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