Monday, July 6, 2015

It Rained and the Saints Rejoiced

Dear Familia,

Ok, so I have been terrible about sending photos home.....I know! Only a couple computerss here in Olmué let me send photos and of those I only trust a couple to attach my camera to. Sorry for the photo drought and then the photo overload, but I hope you enjoy them! This week went by sooooo fast but has been really good! Thanks for your prayers. Rebecca has a baptismal date for this Sunday! Yesterday right after church, when all of Chile finished their fast for rain, it started raining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was AMAZING and such a testimony builder of the power of the fast. I love you all and will write more next week! Enjoy the summer vacations for me! 

XOXO-Hna. McKenna

Scripture: Alma 46:12-13 …remember how many people have died for the cause of liberty and how important it is for God! Just like Moroni, we should make sure that we are always making our religion, family, liberty, and country the most important things in our lives! 

Fun fact: we made the Anuncios!!! 

Also, I got your package with the year gift and the red skirt!!!! Thank you so much Mom!!!! LOVE YOU!!


I had videos of all of it, but it's not letting me send any of them! Lo siento! 

1.         I don't know how much you guys know about Pres. Díaz, our new President in the mission, but he played professional soccer, and gave us permission to watch the Chile vs. Argentina game!!!!!!!!!! It was AMAZING!!!!! Chile has NEVER won La Copa America so it was revolutionary for them to beat Argentina!!! And after, even here in little Olmué, the streets were crazy and we got permission from our leaders to go back to the house right after the game. CHI-CHI-CHI  LE-LE-LE  VIVA CHILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

2.         This is la Familia Amuada, and they're AWESOME! They're reactivating and we're trying to help them get callings. They both lived in Orem, Utah, for 18 years but hardly speak any English...pretty amazing! But they wanted to spend the 4th of July with us so after lunch we passed buy to visit them and read a couple scriptures. 

Beautiful pictures of Olmué!!!! I love this town!!! 

3.         We spent the 4th of July lunch with Hna. Paraguez and she made everything with little American flags and a sweet American meal! It was pretty dang close to the real deal....ha, or at least it's been so long since I had a real hamburger I couldn't tell the difference! 

4.         To answer Mom's question, yes, I'm still an STL here in Olmué with Hna. Day, and during one of our intercambios, one of the sisters that was in my zone in Valpo showed me a pic of one of her baptisms...I don't know if any of you remember Javiera from my first sector. I taught her with Hna. Cabral and Hna. Prates, anywho, she had a few problems to overcome. When summer vacations started for the college she went home to live with her family...which was out of our sector. We gave her address as a reference to Las Hermanas over there and it turns out that Hna. Chavez, the hermana I did intercambios with, got the reference and ended up baptizing Javiera!!!!!!! It was such a sweet tender moment! 

Hna. Day and me walking the streets of Olmué with all the fruit people give us. I don't know if you can see in the photo, but there is nothing but fields here! We walk, and walk, and walk, without seeing people for hours! Ok, maybe not hours, but for sure 30 minutes! 

Crossing a sketchy bridge...thank heavens it hasn't rained in forever so there was no threatening water! 

5.         I'M the Mission Viña del Mar ;) 

The little primary class we taught that thought all missionaries did was eat and receive fruit from people! 

The semi-finals with Chile vs. Perú!!!! They set up this giant screen in the middle of the plaza! It was CRAZY!!!! We could her the people screaming all during the night! Apparently it was a really heated game! Here in Olmué it's pretty calm because it's a small little mountain town where all they do is farm. But in my old sector in Valpo, the missionaries couldn't leave their house for 4 days because the crazy college students were doing a bunch of crazy college student stuff! 

6.         El Bautismo de Esther!!! All of her family that lives in our ward is from Ecuador and they are SOOOO funny!!!! 

7.         Saying "adios" to Tierras Blancas, and taking the 6 hour bus ride to La Reunion de Cambios to be compañeras with Hna. Day de nuevo!!!! 

8.         Saying "hasta ver" to mis amigos in Tierras Blancas. The little girl wearing my name tag was the sweet daughter of a member that lived in our building, and was always wanting to be my companion. She is SOOOOO cute! 

9.         Being in a trio with Hna. Carlson and Hna. Mariscal back in Tierras Blancas! On P-day we went to visit La Cruz again because Hna. Carrlson had never been! 

Conquistando La's very symbolic that we're dominating the Catholic influence here in Chile! 

Más de La Cruz! 

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