Monday, July 13, 2015

Rebecca Got Baptized

Dear Familia,

Ok, so we're sending photos right now while we are close to the good computer place, and then we'll get back on later today to write the real email. I hope you all are doing well, and if anyone has a really simple and easy "no-bake cookie recipe" please send it my way! Winnie looks SOOOO cute! I think I'm more excited about her than I am to be an aunt....ok, that's not true, but she is pretty stinking cute!  Also, before the next time I get on could someone please send a photo of Leesi and Shane's new house and let me know if I'm going to have a niece or nephew? I love you all and will talk to you soon! 


Hermana McKenna

PS… Ellyse & Shane’s house is sooooooooo cute!!!! And just picture it with a cute little baby rocker!!!! AHHHH, I LOVE it! What part of town are they living in, and what does the front look like?   I love you Mom and hope you are doing great!      


While you were playing with your cute little Winnifred, we also bought a cute little puppy....ok, we didn't buy him, we found him dumped off outside our house super late at night. It was FREEZING and he wouldn't stop crying, so we made him a little house out of one of the boxes you sent me and then in the morning we dropped him off at Rebecca's house. She LOVES dogs! We named our little lurgnom Po, ha, he's not exactly a pure bred, but he does have that "you’re so ugly your cute" look going for him. 

REBECCA GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! It was sooooo beautiful! Her son was able to baptize her, and it was so neat to see his family growing into an eternal family! In 4 Nephi 1:11 it talks about how being married brings blessings.  Rebecca got married about a month and a half ago and baptism is just one of the AMAZING blessings she's been able to receive.

Thanks to all the fasting, we have been getting a ton of rain, which is great...if you're not missionaries serving in Olmué. Every time it rains our electricity and light get cut...Needless to say, I've really come to appreciate the BYU blanket Mom made me! 

Umbrella problems.

Rebecca playing with my hair while we wait for English Class to start.

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