Monday, June 22, 2015

Why a Mission?

Well family and friends, the transferes have come and gone and they shipped me out of Tierras Blancas and sent me to Olmuè! I don't have a ton of time to write about how CRAZY it is here because Bishop Parker asked me to write something for the YM so I just decided to send you what  I wrote to him for the Priest camp out thing and fill you in a little with fun fact about what the sector is like. But please pray for Ester and Rebeca. Rebeca is a investigator that is really struggling with droppìng tea and Ester is an investigator that is SOOOOO receptive but has to go back to Ecuador on the 27th. We're praying that we can get permission to baptize her and confirm her on Wed. before she has to leave!

I just want to share with you guys how irreplacable the mission is in your lives and how there is a reason it is a comandment of God for all worthy young men to go. I wish it was a comandment for the girls too, because I know the mission has blessed me more than any other decision I could have made at this point in my life. And I want every last one of you to make the same decision. My hope for you is that this weekend you can feel the spirit testify to you that the most important thing you can do in these next couple of weeks, months, or years, is prepare yoursleves to come join me, and all the other thousands of missionaries in the world, in the Lords Army. 

The most important things I could share with you is how much God loves you, is aware of  you, and knows your name, knows where you're going to be called, your companions, your mission presidente. He knows the lessons you're going to have and the challenges you're going to face. He's preparing the mission for your arrival, and you, as young men, need to start preparing yourself for the mission. The mission is the most important thing you could ever do in your life. As a missionary you are engaged in the saving of the human soul. And that is the highest and holiest work in the UNIVERSE! And God himself has commanded you to come join the ranks! And work side by side with the prophets and aposteles in this life saving work! Being called to the Lords work is 1,000 times better than any vertual "Call of Duty" video game the world could EVER make! 

It's kind of "grow-up" time. God will send you to the temple, give you the most important covenants a man or woman can make on the face of this planet at 18 or 19 and invite you to come and do the work that God Himself has labored over and toiled over, and wept over, and pursued since before the beginning of time! And He's asking for your help! You Karsten, Blake, Jackson, Isaac, etc....(sorry at this point I don't exactly know who all is a priest it's been so much time!) But He's asking for your help, you specifically! 

I'll be the first to tell you this work is hard! There are hard days, long days, challenging days, troublesome days when Lucifer is real, when evil is rampant and problems abound, and things are going on in the house, and going home will look dang nice! But if you have any fellings about going home, you cannot. you must not. Not for the Church's sake, the Church wouldn't miss you that fast! you cannot go for your own sake!  Plan right now to work your heade off! You'll never work so hard in your life. And when you're tired and sweaty and dirty and hungry, you'll know how Paul felt, and you'll know how Peter felt, and you'll know how Mormon, and Moroni, and Alma felt! And you'll give the same amazing legacy to your younger syblings and the decons in the ward that these amazing missionaries left for you! When things get rough just remember God loves you, knows you and called you to the work. Reach down, pull up your socks, and go to work! Jack-Atack sent me a little plaque on the mission that says "forget yourselft and go to work," and reminds me every day to keep going. I plead with you to have a 24-month mission! Not 23, not 22, not 19, not 16, not have a 24-month mission! 

When I left on the mission I had no idea what to expect, I just knew it was a decision I needed to make. This past year I left behind precious school time, good food, comfy clothes, free time, a boyfriend, time with the family, my car, my friends, marriages,...and the list goes on! But there is no doubt in my mind that serving a mission is the BEST decision I have ever made in my life! In the mission I have come to know my Savior like never before. I testify of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose restored gospel we are called to share. I know He lives, I know He loves us, and I know His perfect gospel has been restored through Joseph Smith, and thanks to these precious truths we can have eternal life. I would not be here in Chile, in a freezing cold ghetto computer shack if this wasn't the truth. Give me a little more credit than that! This is the truth, and I invite you to do everything you can to know these truths for yourself and share them with the world! In the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Fun Facts:
-Where I'm serving is a TON like Duck Creek! 
-I was in a trio with Hna. Carlson and Hna. Mariscal for a week because the companion of Hna. Carlson finished her mission. I'll send pics next week! 
-I saw my lovely hijita, Hna. Prates, in the reunión de cambios and we bothed cried! Boy do I love that little Brazilian....even though she gave me more than a couple grey hairs! 
-My new compaion is Hna. Day from Arazona!!!!  I don't know if you remember, but we were compaions in the CCM!!!!! I't sooo fun to be with her again! 

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